My Tea House Organic Tea

Organic Blue Butterfly Pea Flower

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Blue Butterfly Pea Flower is a caffeine-free herbal tea that is simply unforgettable. High in antioxidants these pretty flowers create a vivid blue tea, add citrus and watch the colour change! It is known throughout Asia to be beneficial for hair strength and growth and is suggested to help with eye infections. It has also been said that Blue Butterfly Pea has a calming effect on the brain assisting in the treatment of depression and anxiety.

Ingredients: 100% Organic Blue Butterfly Pea Flower

Serving Suggestions: Steep 1-2 teaspoons of tea to freshly boiled water (100ºc) for about 5  minutes or more as per personal preference. 

Origin: China

Health Benefits: To promote healthy skin and eyes. Contains the valuable antioxidant proanthocyanidin which stimulates collagen and elastin synthesis to help rejuvenate the skin and reduce anti-ageing effects such as wrinkles. Proanthocyanidin also helps to increase blood flow in the capillaries of the eyes.
Contains the flavonoid Quercetin and is used to strengthen and increase hair volume.
As a natural memory enhancer, calmative agent and mood enhancer
Immune boosting

Product Disclaimer: Information on these products is not intended as medical advice. Some herbs may not be recommended for people with certain allergies, who are taking certain medications, are pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult your practitioner before taking.