My Tea House Organic Tea

Organic Premium Chamomile Tea (HIGH QUALITY)

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Our organic premium chamomile is like no other, only the best quality chamomile is harvested giving it a more vibrant colour and a more pungent flavour which means a little goes a very long way. 

If you thought you loved chamomile, you need to give our premium chamomile a go.

This is defiantly my families go-to for absolutely anything chamomile related, we love it and I know you will too.

Ingredients: Certified Organic Premium Chamomile

Serving Suggestions: Take 1-2 teaspoons and brew in 90-95ºC water for 5 minutes. Add honey or a sprig of mint, depending on preference 

Origin: Croatia

Health Benefits: Calming the central nervous system and relaxing the body
Improving the symptoms of inflammation in the body
Lowering blood sugar
Gentle to use on children to treat conditions such as eczema, colic and teething 

Product Disclaimer: Information on these products is not intended as medical advice. Some herbs may not be recommended for people with certain allergies, who are taking certain medications, are pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult your practitioner before taking.