My Tea House Organic Tea

Organic White Peony Tea

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White Peony is one of China’s most famous natural teas. As it is the least processed of any tea, white tea is well known for it's many health benefits, abundance of antioxidants and delicious, light taste. This white peony tea is selected from the finest organic plantations to ensure that it has a full bodied yet light natural sweetness and earthy characteristics. It makes for a great immune booster 

Ingredients: Certified Organic White Peony Tea

Serving Suggestions: Steep 1-2 teaspoons in 75-85ºC water for 3 minutes. No milk or sweetener required.

Origin: Multiple Origins 

Health Benefits: Improving brain function
Increasing fat burning
Lowering the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease
A powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals to support our body to combat viral infections
Cancer fighting properties
Help protect your teeth from bacteria
Lower the Risk of Insulin Resistance
Compounds in White Tea May Protect Against Osteoporosis
Help Combat Skin Aging

Product Disclaimer: Information on these products is not intended as medical advice. Some herbs may not be recommended for people with certain allergies, who are taking certain medications, are pregnant or breastfeeding. Consult your practitioner before taking.